Monday, May 18, 2009

Chpt 3: First-Class Recruit! Squad 0...The Weakest Platoon?!

Its already 3 plus in the morning...Joe stared at the door of his new bunk. The events that just occurred played back in his mind. Outside the dome, the rest of the camp seemed unaffected by the tremors and all was silent. Joe pushed open the door and was greeted by silence and darkness. Stepping in, he saw that all the beds save one, were occupied by recruits, exhausted no doubt from the test. Joe could not help but feel slightly envious of them. At least you guys got more time to rest..., ugh, my head is throbbing now...

Making his way to the bed, the recruit beside the bed turned his head and groaned:"That you Kaine? Hurry up and get some sleep already. Its gonna be a long day." "George? Heh..bunk mates again huh..." Joe mused and finally reached the bed. not even bothering to change or unpack, he slumped onto the bed and fell into a deep sleep. Strangely, as he slept, Joe could something warm envelop him. It was a strange sensation, hard to describe but suffice to say that a mother's warm embrace is the closest feeling that could be use to explain it.

Next thing he knew, Joe was shaken by George, trying to wake him up. "Hmmm? What time is it?" Joe asked. "Its 5.30 dude, they gave us more time to rest...You ok?" George replied. "Yeah, I feel fine actually." Joe was amazed. He only had roughly 2 hours sleep yet he felt that he had rested for several hours straight. Sure, he still felt sore but it was bearable seeing as to the events before. Getting up, Joe quickly washed up and assembled with the rest of his new bunk mates at the assembly square.

"Well, well, look who made it out alive." A familiar annoying voice boomed out behind Joe. "Oh no...not now..." Joe groaned. Turning around, he stared straight at Kevin. "Oh hello, muscle head. Looks like you managed to butt your way out alive." Joe replied. "Getting cocky huh? For someone who only had jumping abilities to clear the test." Kevin insulted. "Yeah? not as cocky as someone who had help from his relative in the higher-ups." Joe retorted. "Say What!" Kevin was enraged and gave Joe a kick in the gut.

Trying to get his breath back, Joe rolled back to reduce the impact. Getting back on his feet, Joe raised his fist in defense, but Kevin is no longer there. Surprised, Joe lowered his guard only to get hit in the back by Kevin. Picking himself quickly, Joe looked behind him but there was no one there. Feeling a strong gust of wind blowing in front of him, Joe turned and was punched in the face. "Shit, this can't go on..." Joe stood and concentrated. When he felt a gush of wind, he leaped and levitated in the air. Looking down, he saw Kevin zip pass the spot he was on.

Kevin looked up at Joe. "You can't escape just by jumping!" Kevin was right. Joe could only maintain height for about 20 secs max and he could feel his hand burning again. Landing, he took up a stance, ready to take on Kevin. Kevin looked amused. "You intend to fight? You can't even keep up to my speed." "You gonna finish this or you gonna keep yapping like a puppy?" Joe taunted. "Oh, I will! And I will enjoy it!" Kevin charged at full force. "Simpleton..." Joe mused. Pushing forward with his right hand, his imagined the barrier that had saved him a few hours ago.

There was a loud crash and Kevin was thrown back by the rebounded force of the barrier and his speed. "How's that? You can't beat what you can't reach." Joe stood over Kevin. Growling, Kevin swept at Joe's feet which he easily avoided. "I am going to murder you!" he roared. "That is more than enough..." Another recruit appeared between the two of them. At once, Joe could feel a deathly chill run down his spine and he stopped at once. "This guy is no push over. He is alot stronger than me." Joe thought.

Kevin obviously knew it as well. For he stopped and quickly retreated, "This isn't over yet Kaine!" Once Kevin had left, the recruit also turned to leave. "Hold on, could you tell me your name?" Turning back, the recruit replied "Carrei Bromanov. First-Class Recruit." Joe's eyes widen at the title. "First-Class Recruit, then he must have excelled in every aspect of the training." Later, back in the bunk, after their punishment though. No way a racket that magnitude could have gone unnoticed by the superiors.

"Never thought The First-Class Recruit was here!" George was jumping like a little kid. "Shut up and sit down George!" Charles said, annoyed. Apparently, even Charles had a special ability and was posted here too. "Yeah, you are way too excited for someone who was just told that your platoon is the lowest ranked and the weakest of all the platoons." Added Zuklifi Hanif, another recruit. "Can't blame them though, based on what we know, we pretty much possess weak powers." Xu Kai Sheng added.

"Well, I don't intend to stand for it. I will make them regret labeling us as platoon zero. We'll show them that can be more than what they call weak. Right guys?" Joe said. The bunk erupted in cheers of agreement.